Mystery self care capsules



This product is a mystery capsule that offers a fun and exciting way to receive prizes. The mystery capsule will stand for at least one item, and the prize will be written inside. The seller will scoop the capsules out on video and post them on social media for everyone to see what the customer got. This allows the customer to see the prizes they received and potentially receive items they like.


The items inside the mystery capsule can change at any given time, which adds an element of surprise and excitement to the product. The seller can try their best to get the customer's items in their preferred color, but the color preference is not guaranteed and is subject to availability. If the customer would like to receive their items in a specific color, they can leave a note with their preferences.


The product will be put in a pretty box and sent to the customer. The mystery capsule is a great way to receive prizes and add some excitement to your day. With the option to leave a note with a color preference, the customer can ensure that they receive items in their preferred color. Overall, this product is a fun and exciting way to receive prizes and is sure to bring a smile to your face.